How the Blogging World and Others Saw the Inaugural Race at NOLA Motorsports Park

14 Apr
Courtesy Oilpressure Blog

Courtesy Oilpressure Blog; still raining Monday!


People that follow the IndyCar series will get this abbreviated post completely. If you are a casual fan of the sport, you will miss a lot of the subtle irony and sarcasm, much like the race on Sunday. For circumstances that were way beyond anyone’s control, my heart says the race organizers did a helluva job. As for the race, well…..

This is just too difficult to post. I have such high hopes for GP of NOLA and wish that they have killer weather next year. April is a little early for the monsoon season so I was a tad off-put by the rain. I am one of the folks that engaged the social media wizard for the GP of NOLA on Tuesday of last week and noticed that they followed anyo9ne that popped their head up and acknowledged a tweet from them. This is how you do social media and we all can take a lesson from them in how to engage the fan. Social media is here to stay, folks. I am over 60 and think it is the schizz. So on that note, my very short post on a very short ‘green flag’ race that took place Sunday. Where are all of those aero kit parts going to come from now I wonder?

If Miles is happy with NOLA, then I’m happy with it. It’s his job to grow the series, not mine, so party on, Mark

IndyCar Minnesota:
THE best tag line, “I have no beef with Dracone as a person, but get the hell out of Indycar.”

Another IndyCar Blog:
Karam into the kitty litter. Ok. This is getting ridiculous. Can we please get some racing in today?!

Black Flag.Jalponik (Michael Ballaban)
Post: Watch this mechanic get totally decimated by an out of control Indy car.
(Todd Phillips is undeniably lucky only stitches in his leg, compliments of Francesco Dracone)

Oilpressure blog:
In all honesty, the race was not good, but that was strictly a function of the weather. In dry conditions, I think this would be a very racy track.

How the drivers saw the race at NOLA Motorsports Park

Marco Andretti Twitter Quote:
Marco on NOLA

I am going to leave things as they are for now and look on down the road to the next 2 races on the schedule. There is no need to rant and darn sure no need to point fingers and castigate. The weather WAS the story this past weekend and all I want to say to the race organizers is thanks. Hard work will pay off and the event should grow on its own merit, despite the boneheaded moves of a lot of “professional” drivers once the rains came (again). Best move of the race? Michael Andretti securing funding for Simona. Bet he saw this ending coming once he looked at the long range forecast!

As always, thanks for stopping by and hitting the blog! We will talk to you next time.



This week’s hot link:

Not so much a hot link as the pictures below represent what gems are available on Twitter. Name the peeps in the photo below! For extra credit, name the location.


Ed Carpenter Twitter Feed

One Response to “How the Blogging World and Others Saw the Inaugural Race at NOLA Motorsports Park”

  1. WingSideUp April 16, 2015 at 3:49 pm #

    Glad you could stay positive. At the end of the day, it sometimes very hard to be an IndyCar fan. Here’s hoping it goes better next year…wait…here’s hoping there IS a next year!

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